In following guesthouses, you can enjoy the Altrei lupine coffee:
Bar Altreierhof – Dr.Josef Noldin Str. 13, I-39040 Altrei
Hotel Langeshof – Katharina-Lanz Str. 3, I-39040 Altrei –
Gasthaus Kürbishof – Guggal 23, I-39040 Altrei –
Krabesalm above Altrei

If you want to enjoy our lupine coffee at home, we recommend:
As infusion: 0,5lt water for 8 cups 55g (approx. 18 heaped teaspoons) infuse 8min.
Mocha: 0,2lt water for 3 cups 16g (approx. 5 heaped teaspoons)
In the mocha is recommended to fill the funnel only half maximum, as the powder swells. As an infusion, you can very well vary the amount according to your taste.